Saturday, September 29, 2007


Nowadays, Isaac's shirts ALWAYS look this way
What a little man!!!!
The cutest Tigger I have ever seen
New teeth
Okay, so Isaac's first two teeth were his middle bottom ones. I was looking for him to get the middle top ones next, but I happened to spot an odd white flake in his mouth this week. When I reached in to wipe it away, I realized he had two more teeth!!! So he has a toothy grin, but it is an odd one...still cute!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

These are some pictures that Papa took of Isaac when we went to Chicago after Annaliese was born. And by the way, Isaac started DEFINITELY crawling today.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Promised picture of Amber and Ed's new baby girlAubrianna is such a great big sister to Annaliese. I have affectionately named then the "Anna's." They are an adorable pair!

seven months old

it is hard to believe how quickly time goes by. I do not have exact measurements for isaac this month because he did not have to see the doctor. he weighs 17 pounds, and he is 26 inches long. so it doesn't sound like he grew too much. still, he is "growing up" in other ways. for a few weeks now, he has been flirting with the idea of crawling...he has moved a little but not too much. he is MUCH more interested in standing up and walking (yes, already). he pulls up on everything from the couch to a toy to the back of my capris. he gets smarter each and every day. he truly is the joy of my life!!!!!