Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 29, 2011

Aaron weighs 4 pounds, 7 1/2 ounces today! Wow! We have had a few hospital visitors the past couple of days, and Aaron has been blessed with some very cute outfits! The doctor that was Aaron's attending physician over the previous two weeks was working tonight, and he stopped in to talk to David. He said he was amazed to see the quick turn around in Aaron, and he expressed his heart for these little babies through his words. He actually shared with David that a new baby had come into the unit today that is a very sick case like Aaron; I don't know that baby's name, but would you please pray for him/her? I know more than I wish I did what his/her parents must be going through right now.

As you continue to pray for Aaron, we are really looking for him to learn to eat and for any testing for infections or diseases to come back negative. Also, we are praying that he develops as he should. Thank you for your commitment to walking this journey out with us. Thank you for the faith you have had in God in the midst of this trying time. We have been blessed by each of you. Some are people we see every day or every week; others are those we haven't seen in years. Thank God for a tool like Facebook; it has been a huge support for us as it has enabled us to hear from you and to get information to you. You have blessed us with your commitment to pray, and we ask that you please continue to do so. Thank you!!!!

Notice what his nurse wrote about him: I am a very strong little fighter! He has definitely won the heart of a couple of nurses. When he has them, he gets the cutest clothes and blankets on the unit. They spoil him...and us!

June 28, 2011

I posted an update yesterday at the bottom of my "This Momma's Heart" entry. Here are some pictures from yesterday:)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This Momma's Heart

This Momma's heart has been through a lot over the past two weeks. It all started on a Saturday evening when I wasn't feeling the baby move; I thought maybe he was just having a down day because he had been quite active earlier. The next day, however, I knew that something wasn't right. I called my doctor, and I went to the emergency room. The nurse found his heartbeat right away, and I was immediately relieved, thinking all was well. When I still failed to feel movement, however, the resident came in to do a biophysical profile, which is an ultrasound in which she looks for five specific things. She did four different ultrasounds over the course of several hours, and his score kept going down until at the last one he scored a 2...really bad!

My doctor had come in to check on me and ended up spending the night at the hospital to be sure I was okay. He came into my room around 3:30am and said he was going to do a c-section to get the baby out since there was no way of knowing what was wrong. I called David and began praying like I never have before. I was told that the NICU team from Toledo Hospital would be at the delivery and that the baby would be taken there. My main concern at this point was that I wouldn't see my baby for four days; I had no idea of what lay ahead!

David made it just before the doctor began my surgery. I was so thankful! The baby was up at the top of my uterus, so the doctor and resident were pressing on my belly to get him down so they could pull him out. They were forced to make an additional incision in order to reach him. As the doctor delivered him, he asked what his name was; we hadn't made a decision, but David said, "Aaron."

Every mother expects to hear her baby's cry immediately; I heard silence. The baby was given to the NICU team; David was trying to watch, but they made him sit down. I was later told that Aaron was not breathing nor did he have a heartbeat at birth; his apgar score was a zero. His second one given five minutes later was a two. The neonatologist had to resuscitate him. The NICU team worked on him at the hospital for three hours. Then I was finally able to see him for the first time. He was bundled in an emergency transport incubator with all kinds of machines doing everything for him. One of the nurses wanted to be sure I could see him; she moved my bed and his, and she helped me reach his little hand. He was completely helpless! The neonatologist looked at me and told me that he was very sick and that he might die; she was brutally honest, and I needed her to be. Then he was taken away.

A couple of hours later, the attending physician in the NICU called me and said that someone needed to be with Aaron at the hospital because he was very concerned that he might not make it. He explained to me that he was on an oscillator and that they had given him a paralytic drug to keep him from moving so as not to injure himself. He said Aaron was extremely ill and they hadn't figured out why. I sent David to the other hospital right away. My nurses worked to get me transferred, and I was finally able to go at 2:30 in the afternoon. When I arrived at the hospital and was checked in and settled, my nurse put me in a wheelchair and took me to Aaron's room. I was so unprepared for what I son attached to all kinds of life support. There were so many things running through my head. He lay there completely motionless, a tube down his throat to help him breathe. He was extremely puffy, his skin pulled tight around his little body. He had multiple medications running through an umbilical line. His entire body was bruised. He was not beautiful by the world's definition by any means, but he was MINE! And I loved him immediately.

The doctor came and talked to me, and I can't even remember what in the world he said. I just cried. I was so afraid that I would lose my baby. Thank God that my sister was there to ask the right questions and to help me understand what was going on. When I saw how scared she was, though, I knew it was horribly bad. When I returned to my room, I told my dad that I trusted God, but the hard part of trusting Him is that it doesn't mean things will work out the way I want them just means that I trust Him, no matter what. So began my journey of trust.

The days were long. The days were hard. The days were emotional! The days were God's! It was amazing to see God begin to work miracles in Aaron's little body. We prayed his name over him...Aaron: mountain of strength...Joseph: Jehovah increases. And we began to see God bring healing. The doctors were astonished. The nurses were floored. God was in control!

Now, two weeks later, Aaron is off of all medications and support other than his feeding tube. He is beginning to learn to eat as we work with him at times he is awake and interested. The nurses have gone from telling me that he would probably be there a couple of weeks past his due date (10 weeks total) to saying that he could be ready to go home in a couple of weeks (4-5 weeks total). Over the past few days, I have gone from not being allowed to hold him (because of his chest tubes) to having to ask a nurse to get him for me (because of his picc line) to being able to get him in and out of his bed as I please at any time. All of his tests have come back with good results. He is extremely responsive which is a good sign developmentally.

Aaron weighs 4 pounds, 6 ounces, and all of the weight he has gained is positive gain, not fluid retention. He is amazing! God is amazing! And I am grateful...forever grateful!

Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27, 2011

Aaron's weight today is 4 pounds, 5 3/4 oz! When the doctor stopped in, he said, "Well, I have nothing to tell you." I said that I was okay with that! He said that all Aaron needed to do was learn to eat and continue growing, and he would be ready to go home! I know that Aaron will need to remain in the NICU for at least two more weeks because there is some testing that must be completed on him that can't be done until then, but the doctor's report means that Aaron may be coming home much sooner than originally expected!

Aaron was given his first eye exam today. He does not have any infection in his eyes, and they are developmentally where they should be. The doctor will check them again in two more weeks.

I got to snuggle with Aaron a bit today! This is good for both of us; it helps Aaron's brain development, and it helps my body return to its pre-pregnancy state:)

I had to see my doctor today for my first follow-up visit. She was astonished at how much Aaron had improved. I am so grateful for his beautiful testimony that has touched so many!

Please pray that Aaron learns to eat and that he continues gaining weight. Also, please continue to pray that he remains free from infection and that he develops as he should.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 26, 2011

Aaron's picc line came out today! One less chance of infection! This means that ALL of his nourishment comes from Mommy's milk which offers him all kinds of antibodies that he will need to fight off infections! This also means that the only support device he is still connected to is his feeding tube. He will need this until he is able to nurse or bottle-feed on his own. Babies typically develop this ability between 34 and 40 weeks gestational age; Aaron is currently 33 weeks and 3 days.

Aaron is also up one ounce today: 4 pounds, 4 ounces! Again, positive weight gain!

At this point, we are praying that Aaron is able to develop the suck-swallow-breathe technique. We are also continuing to pray that all of his mental, emotional, and cognitive abilities are where they should be for a full-term baby. Finally, we are praying as the doctors continue testing to find out what caused his early arrival that they will find he has no disorders or diseases of any kind. These tests cannot be completed until thirty days past the date that he last received blood, which was two or three days after his birth. Thank you in advance for keeping Aaron Joseph lifted up in prayer!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 25, 2011

When I went into Aaron's room today, he was in an open crib, wearing a onesie, eating 35 ml of milk and off of his IV fluids! They were still giving him dextrose with the plan to slowly wean him from that. They should be removing his picc line tomorrow! Shortly after I arrived, it was feeding time again, and he was up to 40 ml! This was the first time his daytime nurse had him, and from the notes she was expecting a very sick baby. Thankfully, he has been healed from so much; she was shocked to hear of his improvements in such a short span of time! Aaron's weight was the same today, and his bilirubin count had dropped to 6.1!

Mommy, Mimi, Daddy, and Granny all had lots of holding time today, so Aaron was feeling very loved! He is so cuddly! He loves trying to raise his head and turn his face to the other side, but it takes lots of effort! He likes his hands up near his face, and he loves for me to hold my hand on his head. He responds to touch, sound, and sight, which are all excellent developmental signs! He is still quite tiny, but he is removed from so many of the things that had him "tied down" (literally) that he is beginning to act like a normal full-term baby with the exception of his feeding tube.

We are still praying that the picc line is able to be removed tomorrow and that he continues to tolerate his food well. We pray that he continues to have positive weight gain. We pray that as the doctors test him for various other issues, God will once again prove Himself faithful and a healer by allowing Aaron to astonish everyone! We pray that he does not suffer from any neurological or metabolic disorders. We pray that he is able to learn to eat. We know it will be a while, but we pray that he can come home soon...and that we can get home ready for him!

Thank you all for continuing to lift up this mountain of strength to God!

Friday, June 24, 2011

June 24, 2011

Just when you think there isn't much to say, there's still a lot! Aaron's bilirubin count was down to 7.8 today, and they removed him from all phototherapy. He doesn't have to wear his shades anymore, so we have tons more opportunity to see his eyes. Not that he opens them very often; preemies like to snooze, and they need to in order to grow and develop.

His feedings were also increased. This morning he was taking 25 ml every three hours with plans to increase by 5 ml every other feeding until he works up to a full feed of 35 ml; this is just over one ounce. As his feedings increase, his IV fluids are decreased. At 3am he will be at a full feeding, and he will then finish weaning off of the fluids. As long as his blood sugars fall within the normal range, the doctor will remove his picc line. The plan is for this to be done either tomorrow or Sunday. Last night, he was wide awake for one of his middle of the night feedings, so the nurse gave him a bottle. He actually drank 7 ml from the bottle, but the nurse said he was exhausted after that; it had taken a ton of energy. He finished his feeding through his tube.

His morning weight was 4 pounds, 3 ounces, and it again appears to be positive weight gain rather than fluid retention. He continues to have good urine output, so that is a positive thing!

His physical therapist came to see him today, and she determined what things make him happy/comfortable and what things agitate him. She also made suggestions in how to calm him.

We continue to pray that Aaron's body stays infection free. We pray that he tolerates his feedings and the weaning from the IV fluids. We pray that the picc line can be removed and that there are no complications from that. We pray that his organs continue to function as they should. We pray that Aaron will be a testimony of God's love and faithfulness! He is already known around the NICU as the miracle baby!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 23, 2011

Today is a day worth celebrating, though hasn't every day in the past week and a half been? The doctors assign a status to each baby every day; today was Aaron's first non-critical day!

During "kangaroo care" time, Aaron was all eyes. He was interested in everything!!!

Aaron's bilirubin count went down to 9.8 today, and he still on the biliblanket. The nurses expect it to continue going down. His milk feedings were increased to 15ml every three hours today, which is a half an ounce! Each time they increase his milk, they decrease his IV fluids. When he gets up to full feedings and no longer needs the IV fluids, his picc line will be removed. That will be wonderful as any line or tube is an opportunity for infection. He also went up 2 oz today; he is 4 lbs 2 oz! The great thing about this is that it doesn't appear to be fluid; it appears to be positive weight gain!

We are continuing to pray for his bilirubin to decrease and for his feedings to be able to increase so that he can come off of the IV fluids. We are also praying that as the doctors continue to test for possible causes to Aaron's early arrival that they will find no deficiencies in his development.

I am running out of things to update at this point because he is doing so well! That's a positive thing! A few of his previous caregivers stopped by today to check on Aaron. One was a nurse that was at his delivery; she said she was discussing him with my OB nurses, and they were astonished at how well he was doing. She said that miracles still do happen!

Another nurse that cared for him came by and said that she was sad she missed the first time I held him but that she had checked on him every shift she worked. She said it was amazing what prayers were able to accomplish! Finally, the neonatologist from his delivery was the doctor on call tonight. She came in and said that his bilirubin was down, his feedings were up, and his IV fluids were down. There was nothing else to say; I told her I was completely happy with that! Thank God!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 22, 2011

When I walked into Aaron's room this morning, it took me a moment to figure out what was different. There was something missing, but I couldn't quite place it. Then my mom asked where his oxygen tank was. That's it...he is completely off of oxygen support! He now breathes 100% on his own! The doctor did say that sometimes babies have to go back on oxygen at some point, but we are praying that he is able to sustain himself without it. Since he isn't on it any longer, his blood gases only have to be drawn once a day; they had previously been taking it multiple times a day.

When the nurse came in, she went over his day with me. He had been doing a great job without the oxygen support. His bilirubin had gone up to 10.8 this morning, but they were still keeping him on the biliblanket rather than the overhead lights since he was so much more comfortable being swaddled. She did say that if it didn't continue to go down he would have to go back under the lamps, but she felt confident that it would go down since he is on the blanket and since his body is effectively getting rid of waste. He also lost a little more weight; he weighed 4 lbs, 1/4 oz this morning. They did increase his milk intake from 3 ml every three hours to 8ml. It seems that his belly may have been trained to expect food because right before it was time for him to be fed, he got fussy; as soon as he got his milk in his tube, he was contented.

The doctor removed his final chest tube today. Aaron's chest x-rays have been good; his lungs are fully expanded, and it appears that the holes have healed. There has been no reforming of air pockets. The doctor said he was anxious to get the tube out since it seemed to be inactive and can be an opportunity for infection the longer it stays in. Premature babies are at a higher risk of infection, so we are extremely careful to keep germs at a minimum. In fact, we have placed hand sanitizer all around our home in efforts to get used to using it. We will also be doing a deep clean of our home before he is released from the hospital. Where I was quite relaxed about germs with Isaac, I will have to be on guard at all times with Aaron.

The real treat for me was that after his chest tube was removed and I went back in the room, the nurse brought in a recliner so that I could do "kangaroo care" with Aaron. This meant I got to hold him...for 45 minutes!!! Kangaroo care is a method of bonding with your child that was discovered in Bogota, Columbia. It was appealing there primarily because of its cost's a free form of therapy! When its use was instituted, it greatly decreased the infant mortality rate! It is basically skin-to-skin bonding, and it has been proven to help the infant develop in many ways. It was a wonderful, peaceful, relaxing time for both of us; I look forward to many more! David came straight to the hospital after work so that he could hold Aaron as well; this was a blessed day for our family.

Big brother Isaac has been so excited to touch his baby brother, and he was able to do that tonight. He is mesmerized!

Aaron has taught me many lessons during his first ten days of life! I have learned to love in the midst of horrific pain. I have learned that many things I have valued are not nearly as important as love, family, and making a way for my children. I have learned that prayer is powerful and effective; it does work! I have learned that true friends surround you with love and support in time of need. I have learned who my true friends are. I have been challenged to be a better friend, daughter, wife, and sister than I am now. I have learned that God is faithful even when we are not, that He cares for me in the midst of my pain, and that He listens when I talk to Him!

As you continue to pray for Aaron, please pray for no infections, for the bilirubin to continue to go down, for him to continue to breathe on his own, and for continued positive development. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 21, 2011

Compared to yesterday, today was extremely quiet, which was good because Aaron needs his rest in order to grow big and strong! Big brother Isaac came with me to the hospital today to see his baby brother. He loves staring at Aaron!

Aaron's bilirubin count was down to 9.4 today, so the nurse took his two overhead phototherapy lamps off and put the biliblanket under him so that she could swaddle him; he was extremely comfortable this way. It was the first time he had been swaddled.

Aaron's blood gases and sugars were very good today which is great! The blood gas tells us how well Aaron's lungs move oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide from the body. His brain and renal ultrasounds came back showing that they were both normal; this is a wonderful praise report! His doctors were able to remove one of his remaining two chest tubes today, and as long as his chest x-ray looks good tomorrow, they should clamp the last tube in preparation for removal. The nurse removed the dressing from his wound from the first chest tube today, and she cleansed it. There was no more bleeding, and the wound was extremely small and looked wonderful! Last night after one of his feedings of milk, the nurse pulled some mucus from his belly, so she took him down to 1ml of milk every three hours; today's nurse said he had no more of the mucus, so she resumed the 3ml feedings.

During the afternoon Aaron got a bit cold, so the nurse put the hood on his bed down. He got nice and toasty and was able to sleep even more soundly, swaddled and warm!

While the nurse was doing Aaron's care time, she noticed that his blanket was a bit wet. She asked me to come over to one side of her and told me precisely how to stand. Then she surprised me by handing Aaron to me while she changed his blanket! I got to hold him for the first time! It was very brief, only long enough to change the blanket, but still the first time. I had to stand extremely still while she took him from me and put him back in the bed. He can't be held right now because he is on the bilirubin lights and because of his chest tubes which can cause a lot of pain. When she handed him to me, he was screaming, right up until he was in my arms; he immediately quieted. I think he knows his mommy, and that thrills me! I am so glad I was there at this time! He is TINY!!!!

We got a beautiful picture with two gorgeous open eyes amazing miracle son who has renewed an unshakeable faith within me!

As you continue to pray, please pray that his bilirubin count keeps coming down. Pray that his chest x-ray tomorrow looks great and that no air pockets are reformed. Pray that he stays free from all infection as he continues having tubes removed from his body. Pray that his stomach continues to take milk well as he works up to full feeds. Pray that he continues to grow and develop the way that he should! He truly is a miracle, and we love him completely!

Monday, June 20, 2011

See his little blonde spot?

So cute...look how huge the pacifier is next to him.

June 20, 2011

Aaron had a busy day today with all of his testing, and it was another great day! When I walked in this morning, I talked with the nurse. I said that Aaron had come far in his first week of life, and she said that he had come halfway around the world. So right she is! He has amazed his doctors and nurses!

Today his bilirubin count was down to 10, so he remains on two lamps. It is moving in the right direction, so we are confident he will be off of the lamps very soon. The doctor clamped one of his chest tubes, and he said as long as everything still looks good tomorrow, he will remove that one. The doctor said that he hopes to have both chest tubes removed in the next few days. Aaron's chest x-ray looked really good today with no reformation of air pockets! He also received his brain and renal ultrasound today, but those results will not be back until the morning. The doctor told me that at this point those tests were to make sure his organs were formed correctly. They have still been unable to determine the cause of Aaron's early and troublesome arrival, so they are just looking at everything to rule out abnormalities. They originally thought he may have CMV, a common virus in adults that can be fatal to babies; the results of that test came back today, and he was negative. At birth he was 4 lbs, 10 3/4 oz, and today he was down to 4 lbs, 2 3/4 oz; most of this loss was all of the fluid on his body. His doctor from the weekend, the one who took him off the ventilator, looked in on him and was so pleased. He said Aaron is a star!

Aaron's big thing today was the insertion of his picc line and the removal of his UVC (Umbilical Vein Catheter). These procedures were both done without any problems, and the follow-up x-ray showed that the picc was put in the right place! Praise God! He also continued being fed his 3ml of milk every three hours, and the doctor said he didn't think Aaron had chylothorax (where the fat from foods is absorbed into the lungs instead of being carried in the bloodstream). This is great!

Every day Aaron continues to improve, and I am so thankful. It is wonderful to see my baby start looking like a well baby! I am forever grateful to God for this gift! He is faithful!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 19, 2011

This was another amazing day! As you can see in the picture below, the large nasal tube in GONE; Aaron was switched over to quick flow early this morning. This means that he is NOT on a ventilator at all. He is receiving oxygen, but it is room air, and his lungs are doing all the work. Progression!

Aaron's bilirubin count was down to 11.2 this morning, so they removed the phototherapy blanket he was lying on. He is still under two lamps, but we hope to get those off of him soon! When I arrived this morning, I was on the phone and had to QUICKLY get off because I heard my baby crying! Last night I heard a small squeak, but today I heard crying...quiet, hoarse, pitiful, but definitely crying...what a sweet, beautiful sound to tickle my ears for the first time!

Another new thing for Aaron today was feedings! They did this through his nostril tube which goes down to his belly. As I said yesterday, he is being introduced to food very gradually. He got 3ml every three hours today...that's less than a teaspoon each time! They just want to be sure his body tolerates it well, and they will gradually increase it. This means today was the first time he had Mommy's milk!
What a cutie!
A big event for our family today was that Isaac was able to see Aaron for the first time. We were waiting for him to be off some of the machines because we thought that might be a bit overwhelming for Isaac. Mimi took Isaac to Build a Bear today to make a monkey for Aaron; Isaac loved it. He said a prayer over the heart that goes inside, but he refused to kiss it because, "I don't kiss hearts." This is when Isaac first saw Aaron; he just wanted Daddy to hold him up there so he could keep staring. He said he wanted to touch him but not enough to use the hand sanitizer. He had lots to say about Aaron, but he wanted to know most importantly if we were going to keep him and if we could take him home. This is truly the beginning of a beautiful relationship!

Aaron has received a lot of gifts...thank you! This is his beautiful set up!

We left to take David to dinner for Father's Day, and when we returned Aaron had been bathed and his bed had been changed. He had the same nurse as last night, and she remembered the story about Isaac naming him Lightning McQueen, so she brought some blankets from home to use for his thoughtful!

Earlier today I was looking at Aaron, and I thought I noticed a blonde streak, but I wasn't certain whether it was that or the lights gleaming off of him. After dinner, the nurse was talking to us, and she asked if we had noticed that he had a blonde streak, and I told her I thought I had seen it earlier but wasn't sure. She took his hat off, and, sure enough, after his bath it was CLEARLY blonde...crazy!

Aaron was also weaned from his dopamine today. This means that the only medication he is receiving is morphine as needed for pain which is due mostly to the chest tubes! Praise God that just one week (four hours from now) ago this child which didn't have much of a chance is astounding his doctors and nurses left and right! Many of those who cared for him early in the week stopped by today and yesterday, and they are AMAZED at how he is doing. I have spoken with the neonatologist and the neonatal nurses who resuscitated him at birth and cared for him immediately following. They were so concerned, and they are astounded at what has happened! I have heard from many that they have been praying for him. Several of his nurses called throughout the week to check on him. The doctor who cared for him immediately made sure that the nurses on her team saw him and how well he was doing. Every time I say thank you, tears flow. I am blessed! Aaron is such a gift, and they were instrumental in giving him to me!

Tomorrow will be a busy day for Aaron! He has a chest x-ray to see if they can perhaps begin clamping his chest tubes and to check for air pockets. He has an ultrasound on his brain to once again check for bleeding. He has a renal ultrasound to check that his kidneys are functioning properly. One of his umbilical lines was removed today; the other will be removed tomorrow. He will be receiving a picc line which is what he will be fed through until he is able to nurse. This is a lot in one day, but God has proven His faithfulness already!

Pray that all of the tests have great results. Pray that his bilirubin count continues to go down. Pray that the picc line is positioned properly, and pray for no infection in Jesus' name!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Today was one of those know the type...where God does exceedingly, abundantly above all you could ask or imagine...yeah, we had one of those!

I went home last night, David spent the night at the hospital, and we planned to trade places this morning. When I got to the hospital, I met today's doctor right away with news that he planned to move Aaron from the oscillator to the ventilator. I was unprepared for this, and I prayed over him that God would keep him safe and help him do well with the transition. The doctor actually invited us to be part of his rounds with Aaron's nurse. He was amazed at how much Aaron has improved over the past few days. Aaron had been monitored on the ventilator before the switch, and the doctor felt like he was ready for it. Quickly after this discussion, Aaron was changed over to the ventilator, and the doctor was immediately thrilled with his performance. The ventilator was actually doing very little to help Aaron; he was doing most of the work on his own. He was shortly after taken off the nitric oxides. Two huge machines in his room...GONE!

At this same time, the doctor began to wean Aaron from his heart medication. He was gradually weaned over a period of six hours, and he has done great without the medication. His blood pressure stayed right where the doctor wanted it.

I went out for a little bit, and when I returned the doctor popped in and said that he wanted to watch Aaron for a total of twelve hours from the time he went on the ventilator and then, if all was well, to extubate him (take the tube out of his throat). Sure enough, he was pleased with Aaron's performance! Aaron had done most of the breathing on his own, and he showed no signs of apnea. He was extubated and put on the nasal tubes. We were able to take some pictures of his full face for the first time! I was able to hear him just a little bit,too! The doctor was again immediately please with the results, and he almost left Aaron on the small nasal tubes, but he decided to put the larger ones in rather than push him since he had accomplished so much for the day.

So, as I said, God has done exceedingly, abundantly MORE than we could have asked or imagined! Aaron's team of caretakers today was amazing!!!

The next prayer focus for Aaron is that he continues to breathe well. Also, within the next few days he will be introduced to food. We need to especially pray for this because there is a concern that he has a disorder which causes the fat from his food to be deposited directly into his lungs rather than his blood. The thought is that this may have been why he was so fluid-filled at birth. When they introduce the food, they will do it very slowly in order to determine if this is occurring. If he does have the disorder, it can take weeks to heal. Please pray that this is not the case.

Once again, thank you for standing with us through this entire situation! God has been faithful! You have been amazing encouragers, but even more importantly, your prayers have been heard!

On a very lighthearted note, Aunt Amber took Isaac out to see his cousins on Thursday. While she had him she asked if he remembered his baby brother's name. Isaac said no; Amber reminded him. Isaac said, "Oh yeah, Aaron. And Lightning McQueen; that's the name I picked for him." Aunt Amber bought a Lightning McQueen for Aaron from Isaac. They are going to be such great brothers!

This is Aaron is his regular attire...huge breathing tube sticking out of his mouth

Here he looks like he is praying

Here he is, about to be extubated!

The first time I saw his entire face!!!

In his new attire with the nasal tube...yay, Aaron, we knew you (and God) could do it!