At Isaac's 9-month check-up, Dr. Rasor said that he is looking great and progressing wonderfully. The only thing we need to keep an eye on is his weight and length. He has been in to 50- 75th percentile in both categories since birth, but this month he is in the 5-10th percentile for height at 27 1/4 inches, and he is in the 10-25th percentile for weight at 18.2 pounds. He has only gained one pound in three months. There are a lot of factors that could be contributing to this: he is eating more food and drinking less milk, so less calories and fat; he has learned how to crawl and is on the verge of walking, so burning more calories. We are trusting God that Isaac will be just fine...he is such a delight!
For his first Thanksgiving, Isaac was able to see all of his family in the area. On Thursday we went to David's mom's house, his Aunt Doris' and his Aunt Nita's...Isaac had a blast eating all kinds of different foods! His favorite foods that day were the macaroni and cheese and the sweet potatoes! Yummy! We also went to my parents' house just to see them for a little while. Friday morning we got up early and went shopping with Aunt Amber and Grammy. We shopped from 5am-1pm (although Isaac stayed at home with David until about 7:30). After that, we had the Garrett Thanksgiving, which was a blast with six kids all around!

Isaac in his reindeer ears

All six kids on Thanksgiving
Saturday afternoon we went to have family pictures made...that was interesting to say the are some of the shots.
All of the grandkids with Grammy and Papa
What in the world are we all looking at?
Our family pic
The whole gang...this was the hard one!
The three new 2007 babies