Sunday, January 20, 2008
Posted by Crystal and David at 1:05 PM 0 comments

Posted by Crystal and David at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008
P.O. Box 150
Bryan, OH 43506
Posted by Crystal and David at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 06, 2008
OK, so I am a little late on always. At 10 months, Isaac measured in at the same height, but he gained about half a pound. He had lots of fun in Christmas preparations. He was a trooper going in and out of all the stores with me, and he LOVED trying new foods (especially cookies).
Christmas was so cool with him. I have always loved both giving and receiving gifts, but this year my biggest delight was found in watching Isaac's reaction to each gift he received. I will upload some pix later. He loved everything, and now that he has had these new toys for a couple of weeks, he has figured out how to work them all, and it is a blast to watch him play with everything.
On Christmas Eve, David and I sat down with Isaac and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus, and we talked about the true meaning of Christmas. Of course, Isaac didn't understand this (though he did clap his hands to the song), but we want to start a tradition of making focus on Jesus the main idea at this time of year (as it should be all year long). He got to open his PJ's (a tradition my parents have had since I was a kid) and his ornament for this year. He wasn't super-thrilled, but that's okay. It was throughout the next week as he received all kinds of toys that he started to LOVE opening anything that was wrapped. I will post pix cute!
Posted by Crystal and David at 6:15 PM 0 comments