Lucas County Fair
We went to the Lucas County Fair on Monday, July 21. It was a hot day but lots of fun. Isaac loved all of the animals. His favorite toy at home is his Little People Farm, so he was definitely in his element at the fair!
We went to the Lucas County Fair on Monday, July 21. It was a hot day but lots of fun. Isaac loved all of the animals. His favorite toy at home is his Little People Farm, so he was definitely in his element at the fair!
This would have been a cute picture, but Isaac was ready for a nap and wasn't happy about having to pose.
We went to the fair with friend Melissa and her daughter Madison (pictured here). Melissa's friend Angela also came with us. You may notice the chicken nugget in this picture and the next one...he held onto this for an hour, so I finally threw it out. Yuck!
Now he's ready to pose!