Saturday, October 25, 2008

Throwing Pop Rocks with Papa

Lunch with Mom and Dad
He LOVES cars!!!!
My ultra-serious (and ultra-hot) husband!!!
My ultra-cute baby boy!!!
My ultra-weird baby boy!
Hey, Mom, can I have the camera?

We went to visit David's brother's house a couple of weeks ago, and here are some pictures from the weekend.



Isaac hugging Savannah in her duck costume

McQueen's Apple Butter Festival
One of my favorite things to do in the fall is go to McQueen's Apple Butter Festival. While last year was sweltering, this year was crisp fall weather! It was a beautiful time! Isaac wanted to ride everything, but, alas, he is too small:(

Isaac decided to take a break.
This was the best I could do for a family shot.

A Day at School with Mom
While it appears in this picture that Isaac is doing ballet, he is actually throwing a ball in the air.
With one of my seventh graders, Levi.
With my junior high students...they LOVE Isaac!

Discipline with Love

Prior to my taking this picture, his face was even sadder. This is Isaac's time-out spot, and David was having "the talk" with him after his time out was over. Isaac takes time out VERY seriously!