Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What's your superpower?
I admit that I "stole" this from my friend Kelly's blog. That being said, it's time that I break my silence on this issue. Those close to me or who are around me often (co-workers) know that I was a breastfeeding mom through Isaac's first birthday. I am not hugely outspoken about it because I feel that it was a personal choice that I made and every woman should have the right to choose whether or not she wants to breastfeed. (I say should because I have friends who are unable to make this choice due to medical conditions.) I was proud of my decision and my perseverance. There were times that it would have been easy to give up, not simply out of convenience, but out of severe pain (and I do mean severe; if you really want details, email me)! But I stuck with it! I did it because my son was worth it! I am NOT one of those women who looks down on those who formula-feed; as I said, it's their choice. The thing that does irritate me is women who say, "Oh, it must have been really easy for you!" No, it wasn't. If you choose to formula-feed, I have ZERO problems with that, and I don't think less of you! But don't simply assume that because I breastfed for an entire year that it was easy for me. Case in point: After six weeks of nursing, I had such severe lacerations that I went to see a lactation consultant. She was shocked that I was still breastfeeding and advised me to stop (not because of danger to Isaac or me, but because of pain); I didn't. I went back to work after seven weeks, and I pumped three to four times a day for the remainder of the school year. Then, when school started back in the fall, I pumped twice a day through February. It wasn't convenient; I had to take work and lesson plans home; but I did it. At the end of the day, does making milk count as a superpower? I think so, and I bet Isaac does too!

These are some pictures of Isaac while at my parents' house.
Not looking too happy
Now looking VERY happy!
What beautiful eyes you have!
Your smile steals my heart! I love my papa!
Grinny boy!
Eating cars!
You know I'm cute!
Eyes for Gammy
Isaac is playing with a car here, but you can also see the Hallmark snowman and penguins on the table. I had to pack mine up as soon as Christmas was over because all we ever heard was the different stuffed figures singing Christmas carols. Isaac LOVES these things, so we will certainly continue adding to the collection!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Update on cousins
Christian is 3 years and 4 months old, and he is eating Carson's birthday cake in this picture. Note: being shirtless is necessary.
Annaliese is 7 months old, and she is a beautiful girl!
She and Aubrianna LOVE each other!
Aubrianna is 2 years, 4 months old, and she is eating Mommy and Daddy's birthday cake.
Here is Carson on his 2nd birthday!

Chloe is 11 months old, and she has a smile to light up a room!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

We took Isaac to Cookie Cutters, a place just for kids. I can't say that he enjoyed it, but he did a great job!
Look at the length of his hair as it is combed out!
Slicked down
It dried and curled right back up so fast!
A handsome, clean-cut little man!
That wasn't so bad!
And I get a balloon!
How do you think I look with my new haircut?
Personally, I am pleased with the results.
Final verdict: I am NOT sorry that I didn't get this done earlier, but I am thrilled that I had it done now. Isaac is a handsome little man!

People have told me for about six months that I need to get Isaac's hair cut, and mothers with little baldies will perhaps not understand this, but it's a difficult decision. After all, once the hair is gone, so is your baby...he all of a sudden becomes a little boy, at least in my mind. So I have procrastinated (which, no, I do not have a habit of doing). Some of the last pictures of my son's long locks are in this blog; I know, I need to get his hair cut!
In his defense, he was sick this day, and I know the picture is AWFUL, but I had to show you the head of hair I am dealing with!
Here he is in the chair Granny bought him for Christmas, and, yes, his hair is big...
...and crazy all around!
I love you, and ALL of your hair!

Snow days are fun, paid days off for me. Isaac also enjoys them because we get to play all day long! This week we got 8 inches of snow in one day, so I bundled my toddler up to go out and play; after all, his first reaction to seeing his first snowfall was to stick his hand in it and eat it. I just KNEW I had a snowbaby. Alas, I set him down for the first time, and this was the fruit of my labor (20 minutes of bundling...hey, at least he's still in diapers, so I didn't have to immediately unbundle him to take a trip to the bathroom).

So, Kelly, while you wish for snow and your kids would probably LOVE it, I wish for it to leave (please!), and my kid isn't exactly thrilled with it! Love you; enjoy that Miami weather!