Tuesday, September 30, 2008

He loves horses
My dad has two horses, Smudge and Lexi, and Isaac absolutely loves them. In fact, it would be a good thing if he developed a healthy fear of them. Smudge is the mom, and she is in these two pictures. No one has ridden Lexi yet, so Isaac can't sit on her back.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Here are a few more pictures from the pumpkin farm

Potty training 101
Isaac is 19 months old now. Right about the time he turned 18 months, I bought a potty chair thinking he could start to get familiar with it, and we could start teaching him what it is for. He has sat on it a couple of times, but he has never "gone potty" on it. I have asked myself several times if I should start the training process, but I kept feeling like he just wasn't ready yet. I bought a book, read through, and started to watch for the readiness cues. Well, this morning I got one. I went to Isaac's room to get him out of bed, and I found a little boy standing up saying, "Poop!" His pants and dirty diaper were on the floor, and there were beautiful marks rubbed all over his sheets from where he sat and tried to wipe the dirty off. So, needless to say, we are beginning the training process. If you have any tips, please send them my way!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fun with cousins
I took Isaac to the pumpkin farm with my parents and Jamie's kids. On our way, we stopped to "go fishing." Of the several times today that a video camera would have been helpful, this was one. Christian (Jamie's three-year-old) would say to my dad, "I'm scared. You do it," and the next minute he would say, "Papa, don't help me...I can do it by myself." Isaac was more interested in eating his apple, which can be seen in every picture.

After fishing, we headed to the pumpkin farm. On the way there, Christian and Carson sang "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," which sounded a little like this: "Winkle little tar, ow I wonder what chew are. Up above da wold so high, la la la la in da sky. Winkle little tar, ow I wonder what chew are." When they stopped after the first "what you are," Isaac piped in "up above." I was shocked and not sure what he was saying, but when he repeated himself several times, I realized he did actually say it. He adds to his vocabulary daily, and it is so wonderful to hear!

The first thing we did when we got to the farm was look at all the animals.




After the animals, the kids picked out their pumpkins.

Then we went on a hayride, which started out quite nice...

until Isaac got brave...

decided to walk...

picked up some hay...

and proceeded to start a hay fight...fun was had by all!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Our camera died on us near the beginning of the summer, so we got a new one last weekend! I know these pics are random, but I have been hearing about not posting anything. (Yes, Dad, these are new!) I feel like I need to take nine weeks off school to recreate our summer so I have some pictures...oh well! Enjoy!

I love this pic because it is hard sometimes to catch his smiles on camera...he's very serious!

Not sure what's going on here, but it makes for a cute shot!

This is Isaac trying to make his pants into shorts. He is not ready for cool weather. He's really going to hate when he has to wear closed shoes!