June 19, 2011
This was another amazing day! As you can see in the picture below, the large nasal tube in GONE; Aaron was switched over to quick flow early this morning. This means that he is NOT on a ventilator at all. He is receiving oxygen, but it is room air, and his lungs are doing all the work. Progression!
Aaron's bilirubin count was down to 11.2 this morning, so they removed the phototherapy blanket he was lying on. He is still under two lamps, but we hope to get those off of him soon! When I arrived this morning, I was on the phone and had to QUICKLY get off because I heard my baby crying! Last night I heard a small squeak, but today I heard crying...quiet, hoarse, pitiful, but definitely crying...what a sweet, beautiful sound to tickle my ears for the first time!
Another new thing for Aaron today was feedings! They did this through his nostril tube which goes down to his belly. As I said yesterday, he is being introduced to food very gradually. He got 3ml every three hours today...that's less than a teaspoon each time! They just want to be sure his body tolerates it well, and they will gradually increase it. This means today was the first time he had Mommy's milk!
What a cutie!
A big event for our family today was that Isaac was able to see Aaron for the first time. We were waiting for him to be off some of the machines because we thought that might be a bit overwhelming for Isaac. Mimi took Isaac to Build a Bear today to make a monkey for Aaron; Isaac loved it. He said a prayer over the heart that goes inside, but he refused to kiss it because, "I don't kiss hearts." This is when Isaac first saw Aaron; he just wanted Daddy to hold him up there so he could keep staring. He said he wanted to touch him but not enough to use the hand sanitizer. He had lots to say about Aaron, but he wanted to know most importantly if we were going to keep him and if we could take him home. This is truly the beginning of a beautiful relationship!
What a cutie!
A big event for our family today was that Isaac was able to see Aaron for the first time. We were waiting for him to be off some of the machines because we thought that might be a bit overwhelming for Isaac. Mimi took Isaac to Build a Bear today to make a monkey for Aaron; Isaac loved it. He said a prayer over the heart that goes inside, but he refused to kiss it because, "I don't kiss hearts." This is when Isaac first saw Aaron; he just wanted Daddy to hold him up there so he could keep staring. He said he wanted to touch him but not enough to use the hand sanitizer. He had lots to say about Aaron, but he wanted to know most importantly if we were going to keep him and if we could take him home. This is truly the beginning of a beautiful relationship!
Aaron has received a lot of gifts...thank you! This is his beautiful set up!
We left to take David to dinner for Father's Day, and when we returned Aaron had been bathed and his bed had been changed. He had the same nurse as last night, and she remembered the story about Isaac naming him Lightning McQueen, so she brought some blankets from home to use for his bedding...so thoughtful!

Earlier today I was looking at Aaron, and I thought I noticed a blonde streak, but I wasn't certain whether it was that or the lights gleaming off of him. After dinner, the nurse was talking to us, and she asked if we had noticed that he had a blonde streak, and I told her I thought I had seen it earlier but wasn't sure. She took his hat off, and, sure enough, after his bath it was CLEARLY blonde...crazy!
Aaron was also weaned from his dopamine today. This means that the only medication he is receiving is morphine as needed for pain which is due mostly to the chest tubes! Praise God that just one week (four hours from now) ago this child which didn't have much of a chance is astounding his doctors and nurses left and right! Many of those who cared for him early in the week stopped by today and yesterday, and they are AMAZED at how he is doing. I have spoken with the neonatologist and the neonatal nurses who resuscitated him at birth and cared for him immediately following. They were so concerned, and they are astounded at what has happened! I have heard from many that they have been praying for him. Several of his nurses called throughout the week to check on him. The doctor who cared for him immediately made sure that the nurses on her team saw him and how well he was doing. Every time I say thank you, tears flow. I am blessed...so blessed! Aaron is such a gift, and they were instrumental in giving him to me!
Tomorrow will be a busy day for Aaron! He has a chest x-ray to see if they can perhaps begin clamping his chest tubes and to check for air pockets. He has an ultrasound on his brain to once again check for bleeding. He has a renal ultrasound to check that his kidneys are functioning properly. One of his umbilical lines was removed today; the other will be removed tomorrow. He will be receiving a picc line which is what he will be fed through until he is able to nurse. This is a lot in one day, but God has proven His faithfulness already!
Pray that all of the tests have great results. Pray that his bilirubin count continues to go down. Pray that the picc line is positioned properly, and pray for no infection in Jesus' name!
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