Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 25, 2011

When I went into Aaron's room today, he was in an open crib, wearing a onesie, eating 35 ml of milk and off of his IV fluids! They were still giving him dextrose with the plan to slowly wean him from that. They should be removing his picc line tomorrow! Shortly after I arrived, it was feeding time again, and he was up to 40 ml! This was the first time his daytime nurse had him, and from the notes she was expecting a very sick baby. Thankfully, he has been healed from so much; she was shocked to hear of his improvements in such a short span of time! Aaron's weight was the same today, and his bilirubin count had dropped to 6.1!

Mommy, Mimi, Daddy, and Granny all had lots of holding time today, so Aaron was feeling very loved! He is so cuddly! He loves trying to raise his head and turn his face to the other side, but it takes lots of effort! He likes his hands up near his face, and he loves for me to hold my hand on his head. He responds to touch, sound, and sight, which are all excellent developmental signs! He is still quite tiny, but he is removed from so many of the things that had him "tied down" (literally) that he is beginning to act like a normal full-term baby with the exception of his feeding tube.

We are still praying that the picc line is able to be removed tomorrow and that he continues to tolerate his food well. We pray that he continues to have positive weight gain. We pray that as the doctors test him for various other issues, God will once again prove Himself faithful and a healer by allowing Aaron to astonish everyone! We pray that he does not suffer from any neurological or metabolic disorders. We pray that he is able to learn to eat. We know it will be a while, but we pray that he can come home soon...and that we can get home ready for him!

Thank you all for continuing to lift up this mountain of strength to God!