Today's News
Today has been a rough day for me as I battle my emotions. I know that my sweet little baby boy has many battles ahead of him. I know that each moment is a gift from God! I have had moments of joy today, and I have had moments of grief. But right now my baby continues to fight. Thank you to all who are fighting with him through prayer! That is precisely what we need! I am overwhelmed by the love I have experienced from friends over the past couple of days. There are literally thousands, and perhaps tens of thousands, of people praying for Aaron around the world.
These are lyrics from a hymn titled "Be Still, My Soul": "Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side. Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain. Leave to thy God to order or provide; in every change He faithful will remain. Be still my soul, thy best, thy heavenly friend through thorny ways leads to a joyful end." I hang onto this and to the Word of God to get us through this time of turmoil.
Today has been a good day. As of this morning, though he had urine output last night, the doctors were looking for more, so they added two medications to increase the output. They also added a medication to help his heart development as an ECHO showed that his ventricles weren't contracting as well as they should. They inserted a third tube into his chest for draining his fluids; this helped his lung to reinflate perperly, and he has had lots of drainage from that tube. Last night they were weaning him from his nitric oxides; they had gone from 20 to 9; they had to increase back to 20, however, because he was not continuing to adjust well to it. He is still receiving 50% of his oxygen from a ventilator, and he is on the oscillator still. He has had good urine output tonight, though they are continuing to look for more.
Our Aaron is extremely sick, and we are certainly not out of the woods by any stretch of the imagination. I am taking each moment delicately because I am aware that we could lose him. We rejoice in each improvement. We trust God in all of this; He is truly in control of Aaron's life. As you pray, right now a major need is for Aaron's kidneys to work properly so that he is urinating. He needs to get rid of the excess fluids in his body. His lungs need to begin to operate better so that they can wean him from the ventilator.
Please pray for my baby. Please pray for us. This is most certainly the hardest thing David and I have ever faced. I am sure it is the hardest thing my parents and sister have faced as well. I don't want to lose my baby boy; I love him with everything that I am and all I have. One of the most difficult things is feeling so helpless. The nurse tonight did allow David to take Aaron's temperature, and she encouraged us to rub ointment on his skin if he has any dry patches. She is really trying to help us be involved.
Sweet Baby Aaron, Mommy loves you! So does Daddy! And we are praying and believing for a miracle in your little body. We know God is in control! Rest in Him, and keep fighting this battle!

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