June 24, 2011
Just when you think there isn't much to say, there's still a lot! Aaron's bilirubin count was down to 7.8 today, and they removed him from all phototherapy. He doesn't have to wear his shades anymore, so we have tons more opportunity to see his eyes. Not that he opens them very often; preemies like to snooze, and they need to in order to grow and develop.

His feedings were also increased. This morning he was taking 25 ml every three hours with plans to increase by 5 ml every other feeding until he works up to a full feed of 35 ml; this is just over one ounce. As his feedings increase, his IV fluids are decreased. At 3am he will be at a full feeding, and he will then finish weaning off of the fluids. As long as his blood sugars fall within the normal range, the doctor will remove his picc line. The plan is for this to be done either tomorrow or Sunday. Last night, he was wide awake for one of his middle of the night feedings, so the nurse gave him a bottle. He actually drank 7 ml from the bottle, but the nurse said he was exhausted after that; it had taken a ton of energy. He finished his feeding through his tube.

His morning weight was 4 pounds, 3 ounces, and it again appears to be positive weight gain rather than fluid retention. He continues to have good urine output, so that is a positive thing!

His physical therapist came to see him today, and she determined what things make him happy/comfortable and what things agitate him. She also made suggestions in how to calm him.

We continue to pray that Aaron's body stays infection free. We pray that he tolerates his feedings and the weaning from the IV fluids. We pray that the picc line can be removed and that there are no complications from that. We pray that his organs continue to function as they should. We pray that Aaron will be a testimony of God's love and faithfulness! He is already known around the NICU as the miracle baby!
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