Aaron Update
This beautiful boy continues to amaze me. Aaron has been through a lot in his first 24 hours of life. They have had him stabilized since Monday early afternoon. They did three blood transfusions, and his blood work after that was perfect. He did have a high bilirubin count, so they put him under the lamp to prevent jaundice; that is why his eyes are covered. He still has a long way to go; he continues to be in a paralyzed state (through medication), and he remains on the ventilator. Last night, the doctor was concerned that his kidneys weren't working because he had no urine output. After about 25 minutes on dopamine, Aaron was producing urine. I am praying for continued improvement. It is so difficult to have a baby and be unable to hold him, feed him, and interact with him. I am looking forward to all of those milestones to come!

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