June 21, 2011
Compared to yesterday, today was extremely quiet, which was good because Aaron needs his rest in order to grow big and strong! Big brother Isaac came with me to the hospital today to see his baby brother. He loves staring at Aaron!
Aaron's bilirubin count was down to 9.4 today, so the nurse took his two overhead phototherapy lamps off and put the biliblanket under him so that she could swaddle him; he was extremely comfortable this way. It was the first time he had been swaddled.

Aaron's blood gases and sugars were very good today which is great! The blood gas tells us how well Aaron's lungs move oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide from the body. His brain and renal ultrasounds came back showing that they were both normal; this is a wonderful praise report! His doctors were able to remove one of his remaining two chest tubes today, and as long as his chest x-ray looks good tomorrow, they should clamp the last tube in preparation for removal. The nurse removed the dressing from his wound from the first chest tube today, and she cleansed it. There was no more bleeding, and the wound was extremely small and looked wonderful! Last night after one of his feedings of milk, the nurse pulled some mucus from his belly, so she took him down to 1ml of milk every three hours; today's nurse said he had no more of the mucus, so she resumed the 3ml feedings.

During the afternoon Aaron got a bit cold, so the nurse put the hood on his bed down. He got nice and toasty and was able to sleep even more soundly, swaddled and warm!

While the nurse was doing Aaron's care time, she noticed that his blanket was a bit wet. She asked me to come over to one side of her and told me precisely how to stand. Then she surprised me by handing Aaron to me while she changed his blanket! I got to hold him for the first time! It was very brief, only long enough to change the blanket, but still the first time. I had to stand extremely still while she took him from me and put him back in the bed. He can't be held right now because he is on the bilirubin lights and because of his chest tubes which can cause a lot of pain. When she handed him to me, he was screaming, right up until he was in my arms; he immediately quieted. I think he knows his mommy, and that thrills me! I am so glad I was there at this time! He is TINY!!!!

We got a beautiful picture with two gorgeous open eyes today...my amazing miracle son who has renewed an unshakeable faith within me!

As you continue to pray, please pray that his bilirubin count keeps coming down. Pray that his chest x-ray tomorrow looks great and that no air pockets are reformed. Pray that he stays free from all infection as he continues having tubes removed from his body. Pray that his stomach continues to take milk well as he works up to full feeds. Pray that he continues to grow and develop the way that he should! He truly is a miracle, and we love him completely!
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