June 27, 2011
Aaron's weight today is 4 pounds, 5 3/4 oz! When the doctor stopped in, he said, "Well, I have nothing to tell you." I said that I was okay with that! He said that all Aaron needed to do was learn to eat and continue growing, and he would be ready to go home! I know that Aaron will need to remain in the NICU for at least two more weeks because there is some testing that must be completed on him that can't be done until then, but the doctor's report means that Aaron may be coming home much sooner than originally expected! 
Aaron was given his first eye exam today. He does not have any infection in his eyes, and they are developmentally where they should be. The doctor will check them again in two more weeks.
I got to snuggle with Aaron a bit today! This is good for both of us; it helps Aaron's brain development, and it helps my body return to its pre-pregnancy state:)
Please pray that Aaron learns to eat and that he continues gaining weight. Also, please continue to pray that he remains free from infection and that he develops as he should.
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